Goodbye China

I know, I wasn't supposed to leave until 25th of June.
I know, Jesse was supposed to come here very soon.
But I'm going back home to Sweden in 8 days.
I'm getting the ticket tomorrow.

Jesse has been in an accident and there is nothing I'd rather do
than to go home and then go to Guernsey so I can spend time with him.

There is no reason for me to stay here anymore.
China has been a wonderful experience. I've met some great people.
I hope I'll meet many of you again. Especially Ricky and John.
I miss you guys loads, we will have to meet up sometime in England.
we can't leave the Bad Horse tribe-dying, can we?

I won't mention names, because everyone here has been truly great.
You all know who you are. I hope you all who are home by now
enjoyed your adventures in China and for all of you who are still here.
Best of luck. Stay safe and enjoy! It's been a pleasure meeting you all.

(I was mean and took a picture of Jesse while he got some
of his  knee-injuries cleaned up! Don't tell him I did it.....
he will probably notice very soon anyways... )


click to enlarge

May 6

Okay, so it seems I couldn't update the blog everyday afterall.
Haha, I apologize for that.

Here's the other stalker story.

Not so long ago when I was sitting on a bench 4 in the morning 
leeching Kelly's wifi close to West Street, talking to Jesse -
I was approached by the strangest person I've come across
so far, here in China.

I call him the bike/umbrella man.
Simply because he was riding his bike while holding his Umbrella.
He saw me, jumped of his bike and decided to sit next to me.
Now, what surprised me was that this chinese man spoke english!

Zooooooomggggg! IT CAN SPEAK!!

Im not sure if he was fluent of if he only knew basics but he
seemed to be pretty good. He didn't say much though.
He was just creepy.. Sitting there.. minding his own business.

As for myself, I was wearing Rickys big shirt that he gave me.
+ a pair of shorts. When your legs are bare like that, you can't
be surprised, because it is indeed a fact that you'll be eaten alive.

(and no.. come on.. It's not what you think it is....
I'm talking about mosquitos here.. THE MOSQUITOS will eat you!
Not the chinese men.. the chinese men just want to.. but
they dont.. wow you readers have such sick and perverted minds!)

Out of the blue, he started to roll a joint..... (What?!)
Haha, I guess I wasn't expecing that, it was so random..
After he smoked it, he started making noise with the
help of his hands and mouth..
The noise sounded just like crying babies,
which was.. well, how do I put this.. 
..fascinating but quite disturbing?

I couldn't help but to laugh, the situation was just so bizarre.
It was raining, we were sitting on a bench, me with my laptop
him with raisins and his joint making weird noises.

How do you react to that?
Especially when you just want to be left alone.

I planned on going home when the rain settled..
But it never did, so when all the streetlights went off
around 5 in the morning, it got a bit creepy.

Since I couldn't see a thing, I couldnt even make out
where he was, I couldnt make out if he was moving
around because the rain was so heavy.
But I knew he could see me, since I had my laptop right..

The atmosphere changed. I wasn't "safe" anymore.
My brain wen't "alarm mode" and told me to just
get the f**k out of there as soon as possible.

So I packed my laptop down quickly and even tho
it was raining heavily, I started walking home.

I wasn't really pleased about walking home in the rain.
I usually love the rain, but I think it was maybe rainseason
or something around that time? because it was literally
like standing under a shower... if not worse..

I knew even my underwear would be soaked by the
time I'd reach my home.. So I wasn't really happy about it.

Thats when someone behind me in the dark starts whistling.
It was not just any tune...
it was the Kill Bill tune.

I looked back, and oh if it isnt the bike man with his umbrella.
Cycling behind me, stalking me wherever I go.
I decided that I'd take a different route home to see if he
really was stalking me or if I was being paranoid..
but no.. he really was stalking me..

It annoyed me so much, I was walking with my arms crossed
soaked to the bone with the angriest look on my face, never
ever turning around to give him any of my attention.
I knew thats what he wanted, and I didn't want to give it.

So I kept walking..
He followed me all the way home, but I kind of tricked him.

I was walking on the left side of the big road, while he was cycling
on the big road.. so at one point there was a big bus parked
on the left side of the road, I knew I had to turn left before the bus
because thats where my gate was located.. but I kept walking
til he couldnt see me, because I was behind the bus right..?
so he kept cycling forward too, thinking I was heading straight..

When he was behind the bus, I just quickly turned around..
tip toed back and went left.

STALKER GOT PWND................................!!!!!!

What a retard.

Also don't worry.. I feel very safe here compared to home.
I feel pretty safe at home too, but I feel even safer here.
So don't worry, I won't get into trouble.. It just..
doesn't happen here..

When I got home.. I had 13 mosquito bites on my legs.
Like 7 of them were almost on the same place, so my
thigh was completely swollen. Kristel thought it looked horrible.

Gah I miss Kristel.. she's back in Holland now!
Atleast she doesn't have to deal with roaches anymore!
Lucky her!

May 3


So it seems you wanna hear about the most boring event.

The big horrible secret is that I weighed myself for the first time
since coming to China, and I've gained.. believe it or not 13kg!!!

It's horrible and I really gotta do something about it, so yeah..
Will be hardcore training/diet when I get home, which I actually
look forward to, because it's nice having a goal and work on it
and finally reach it. The feeling, the result. Will be lovely.

I'm at the internetcafe with my stalker now btw.
He knocked on my door like 2 hours ago, all dressed up..
Wanted to take me on a dinner but I told him I was full.
(It's one of very few words I can say in Chinese)
I'm not sure how to spell it but it's something like this..
"Baule"... ? Right?

He laughed a bit and did "typing motions" with his hands..
So I understood he wanted to go to the internetcafe.

I think he planned this.. because he set up a
QQ number for me to use, to be able to talk to him...
............................... oh... and... errr....
QQ is like MSN but for Chinese people.

Tonight was Amy and Natalies last day, so we went for dinner
at the Hong Kong place, it was nice and I ate a little bit too much.
Gonna miss them, Kristel is gone now too, so that just sucks...

My package from mum arrived today, Finally I have a
hair straightener! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees...
Funny tho, how I asked her for shampoo and conditioner for
DRY HAIR and she didnt... ah well...
Also, I've been away for 3 months and she sent me eastercandy..
For some reason she sent all the candies I hate.. I mean..
I've only been away for a short time.. How could she forget what I like?


So yeah, I spent today giving away Swedish candy to little chinese kids..
Why does that make me feel perverted?

May 2

It's been a long time, I shouldn't left you, left you but I don't mean to step too,
stepp tooo step too step to step step too step too picki pickii
I have that song on my head.
So as you all may have noticed, I havn't updated my blog in a while.
Many things has happened lately and you know how I am. ¨
If I write about one event... I write alot.
I thought since I'm pretty much gonna be a nolifer for a few days now,
I'd update the coming days with the events, writing about one of them a day.
I'm not sure which one I wanna tell you about first.
because I don't know which ones are the most interesting to you,
so I'm gonna leave you 5 choices and you get to chose in
what order you want me to update them, starting tomorrow
by simply telling me the order you wanna hear it, in the comments.
Here are the happenings:
* - "Survivor mode on an island!-near death experience"
* - "Mutated cockroaches in THE ROOM!-near death experience"
* - "Visiting Kristel and Jessica in Guanyang!-not so near death exp"
* - "Killer mosquitos and the bikeumbrella stalker!-near death exp"
* - "Horrible secret, makes me wanna kill something!-not so near death exp"
Gogo let me know, or else I wont update at all!
Also, Jesse is coming here in 2 weeks! So soon!
Can't believe it's been more than 3 months already!
Time flies....
See you hereHi!

So as you all may have noticed, I havn't updated my blog in a while.
Many things has happened lately and you know how I am. ¨
If I write about one event... I write alot.

I thought since I'm pretty much gonna be a nolifer for a few days now,
I'd update the coming days with the events, writing about one of them a day.

I'm not sure which one I wanna tell you about first.
because I don't know which ones are the most interesting to you,
so I'm gonna leave you 5 choices and you get to chose in
what order you want me to update them, starting tomorrow
by simply telling me the order you wanna hear it, in the comments.

Here are the happenings:

* - "Survivor mode on an island!-near death experience"

* - "Mutated cockroaches in THE ROOM!-near death experience"

* - "Visiting Kristel and Jessica in Guanyang!-not so near death exp"

* - "Killer mosquitos and the bikeumbrella stalker!-near death exp"
* - "Horrible secret, makes me wanna kill something!-not so near death exp"

Gogo let me know, or else I wont update at all!

Also, Jesse is coming here in 2 weeks! So soon!
Can't believe it's been more than 3 months already!
Time flies....

See you here tomorrow!

April 16


Later tonight or tomorrow morning I'll be on my way to Nanning.
I'm going with some of my friends here from Yangshuo and we will
be visiting Charlie and Laura. (they are teaching there!)

Apparantly their students are horrible and messy. Hahaha.
Can't wait to go there.

Woke up today with a terrible itch right under my right boob..
I thought.. "errr.... what the fuck?"... Felt with my hand..
Yeah, got 3 horrible bugbites right there. It's horrible.

First I thought it was mosquitobites because it was itching so much...
but no, whatever it was really dug in deep. I took a picture with my phone.
But you can't really see how disgusting it is. So I took another one
with my digital camera but it's really not nice to look at... at all...
So I'll just link that one and if you wanna watch those disgusting bites
close-up, then yeah, go ahead. It's all up to you. Warned you though...

Here's the "friendly" picture.

Here's the not so friendly- picture. <--RIGHT THEREEEEE.. BRRRR.

It's pretty horrible knowing that I sleep with whatever gave me that.
Other than that I don't really have anything to update with.
I've gained loads of weight. Not even joking. It's horrible.
But I'll go hardcore workout mode when I'm back in Europe.

Only 3 weeks left until Jesse comes over :D.

(Also my stalker has a new tactic. His door faces mine but is
a few doors away, so nowadays he just has his door open 24/7
pretending to sit and do something random at his desk, so that
he can see whenever I walk in and out -
just so he can wave and say "Harroow ^___^")

It makes me chuckle.

April 11

Grattis på födelsedagen Mamma!
Sorry I can't be home for your birthday, I hope you have a wonderful day.
You're the best mother there is, I love you so much!

These are my students singing Happy Birthday for you.

(My batteries ran out at the very end, and they did have some
problems pronouncing your name. but don't worry! They don't even
know how to say my name and I'm their teacher so they just call me
"Teacher Mia". Haha.)

April 8

Hello there.

I havn't updated in a while now.
I guess there's not much to say.

I kind of miss everyone at home, but it's not so bad.
I hope you're all doing well and that you're having a wonderful time.
Weather has been pretty bad. It's raining everyday. (Is it rain season or something?)
It must be! Rains all the time. I guess I shouldn't complain because in a month or so
it will be really really hot. I think. I'm not sure. I shouldn't talk about stuff I don't
know anything about.

Hmm, so two days ago or so, something really odd happend.
I just got out of the shower and someone was knocking on my door like
there was no tomorrow. I didn't have any time to put anything on and I was
having loud music on, so I thought.. "whoa maybe it's the landlord telling me
to turn the volume down." So I turned the music off, and opened the door,
but I was sort of hiding behind it since I was only wearing a towel.

It was not the landlord knocking on my door.

No.. It was my neighbour, he was in a hurry to use his toilet and he didn't
have any toilet paper and when he saw me he was really chocked because
he didn't know his neighbour was a foreigner... in a towel.
Ofcourse I gave the poor dude some toilet paper.

He went "Solli Solli" and ran off.

Reliefed that it wasn't the landlord complaining on me I turned the music back on.
5 minutes later someone was knocking on my door again.

Once again it was my neighbour. He came to return the paper he did not use and
he also gave me some chinese sweets. (they look horrible and
I wouldn't eat that even if it was the last eatable thing in the whole world!)

I was like.. "err thanks, you don't really have to though.. it's just toilet paper.."
The guy doesn't speak a single word of english... Even so.. he tries his best
to have a conversation with me. So the first thing (and the only thing he can say) is..


"...........err... thanks"

awkward situation much?

He was determined to show me his room (which is a 1000 times nicer than mine)
I bet he doesn't have bugs in his room either. Actually I'm surprised we live in
the same block. You'd never be able to tell it's the same house actually.

I don't think I've told you guys yet, but my room is HORRIBLE.
It's not even worth to be called anything else than "THE ROOM" with capital letters.
(Just to add the horror sound to it. You know?)

Then I'm like.. "okay cool. Nice room. I have to go now though"
He knew I was going somewhere because I was getting ready right.
So he tried for like 10 minutes to ask me if I was going to town.

And well.. I was going to the internetcafe so I was like showing him with
bodylanguage that I was going to the internetcafe.

He asked me if he could come with me..
Oh man........

I mean, he's my neighbour and I didn't wanna be rude or whatever.
Especially not after he's spent so much time and effort to ask.

Also in China there is something called "losing face".
Most of the chinese people don't speak english. They are very shy.
So when they actually do it's very important to praise it.
Be positive you know. I bet it took all the confidence he had to
ask if he could join me to the internetcafe. (Since I'm a foreigner.)

So he goes down and I motion that I just have to brush my teeth and
get my jacket. I'll be down in a minute or two. He says okay and goes down.

Then he comes back up again to knock on my door.
I'm like... "ok".....

I open the door and there he is.. completely naked (!!!!!!!)
Okay that was a joke. hahaha. I'm so funny. No.. but..
What really happend was that he tries to tell me that the
landlord thinks that "YOU... and .. ME.. NO GOOD.."

"Errrr.. okay"..

Then he tries some more and of what I can understand he
wants me to go down first and then he wants to follow me to
the internetcafe so that the landlord doesn't think we'll go together.

.. What.. the... fuck...??? (sorry for swearing mum.)

I honestly didn't feel like playing weird games.
I just wanted to go to the internetcafe ASAP because I
always talk to Jesse on skype around that time and I was
already late because of my toiletpaper-neighbour.

So I started walking to the internetcafe and yes ofcourse
he follows me there and takes the computer right next to me.

He starts to use some sort of translating program to talk to me.
Saying he's 22 and it's Gods Will that we have met...
that he's nervous and that he has never talked to a foreigner before.
That he is very happy to have me as his neighbour.. etc etc etc.

I tell him I have a boyfriend I love very much but it seems like
he's not giving up. Chinese people are so.. subtle with their love.
Atleast here where I'm located. So he probably thought that
me even letting him follow me to the internetcafe means that I
like him or something. ...................... siiiiiiiiiiigh.............


Too my great surprise and relief, Ricky shows up out of nowhere.
Sees me and goes.. "Maral??" "Who is this guy??"
I explain and he just starts to laugh... sooo much..

Then he tells my neighbour that him and I are going out to eat.

I told Jesse I'd go online later.
So we go for some food me and Ricky.
Where he constantly says that my neighbour will knock on my door everyday now.

And yeah.. Guess who knocked on my door 10 o clock this morning.
It was obviously him, but I didn't open the door.

So yeah.. basically what I'm trying to say is...

I have a stalker now..

March 29

So I'm back home from the trekk/hike or whatever it was.
Was loads of fun and the food we had was so good.
I ate more han Ricky and Ben together - every meal!
I have no idea why but my apetite has grown so much.

Longsheng is extremely beautiful, I'm going to take Jesse
there when he comes over, by that time it will also be
the right season for it, since they havn't started planting rice yet.

Anyhow, we made it to the top of Longsheng and all we got
was this lousy superthick mist. So I don't have any
incredible pictures I'm very sorry, but it was an experience!
I'll upload cool pictures after I've been there with Jesse.

- Me and Ben, in Dazai Village -

- Walking up the beautiful mountains, in the rain -

- One of those horrible bridges, haha! -

- Beautiful waterfall in the middle of the mountains
where me and Ben decided to go for a swim, even though
the weather was horribly cold and rainy, haha! -

- Me and Ricky, having a long way infront of us until
we reach the top of the mountain.  Atleast we were
still under the mist, so you can see some of the view! -

I'll probably upload more pictures later and they will be on facebook.
It's just I'm in the middle of moving, and my apartment does not
have wifi. So I won't have as much access to the internet.
And uploading just one picture takes.. forever. So we'll see when they
come up, but keep an eye out, they will appear sometime.

The other day I found this epic bug in my room. I freaked out a little
but then I had this evil idea of putting it in Amy's bed because I knew
she'd freak out 10 times more. Was hilarious. Here's a picture of the bug.


He was huuuuge. Those glasses are preeetty big.
Even so, this is just the beginning of bug season....
It's probably nothing to what I'll be seeing in a few weeks..
or even days?... *shruuugs*..

Kristel came to Yangshuo to visit me for 2 days.
We had loads of fun and she's liking her School.
Apparantly she has 11 classes and thats around 700 students!
Craaaaaaaazy to keep track of them. Just wow.
She showed me this hilarious textmessage she got from one
of her students. Obviously it is not what it looks like.
But it's still quite funny. Haha... Poor Kristel :D..


Also, my friend Sean has left us. He's in Fengyan Village right now.
Probably cuddling with Chiren and the other dogs. I miss them so much.
Think I'm gonna head back there next weekend or something when I
have some time. Just for a day or so. Visit Sean and the pups.


<<<<<333333333 love love love love love that little puppy so much!

March 23

Right now I'm hiking in the mountains
with Ricky and Ben. I don't have internet.
Just thought I'd let you guys know.
I'll be back in a week with loads of pictures
and videos. Ben got married to a village girl...

Hahaha. It was hilarious.

Hope you are all well.
See you in a week!

Take care!

March 21

Hey there!
Ricky is in Nanning right now,
he's coming back tomorrow.
Really hope his test went well.
When he's home we'll go apartment hunting.
I can stay here in the school if I want.
But I still want privacy and a great deal of
"alone time".
Hmm.. Not much has been happening.
Been hanging around Yangshou these days,
been meeting some really cool people.
I don't know, it's quite hard to explain,
but most of the travelers I've met sort of
have the same mentality.
A new guy arrives last week.
His name is Sean and he's Irish.
I think he's 21 or something.
We get along well and he's staying in China
for like 10 weeks. On wednesday he's going
to Fengyan Village, and he'll be spending the
rest of his time in China over there.
I decided I'd show him around Yangshou a bit.
So I took him to the meat market, showed him Kelly's.
Then we went to Lucy's where Henry showed us
how to play a cool chinese gambling game.
I won 4 out of 6 times, pretty pro.
The meatmarket was disgusting.
I wasn't allowed to take pictures
or record anything inside. I did get a picture though.
If you're sensitive you might wanna close your eyes
..or something. Or stop reading.
In the meatmarket you really lost all your apetite
for meat. Small cages with chickens walking ontop
of eachother. Cages with rabbits, etc. There were
no space for them or anything. I wasn't surprised
or anything, It was just very bad to look at.
Dogs in cages, and ontop of their cages were dead dogs..
I mean.. It was just a horrible environment.
You can even see it on the picture.
(The dead dog over the living dogs cage.)..
And the smell.. oh the horrible smell.
Hmm. A fish managed to escape haha and was
splashing on the floor "magikarp style".
Then a man came, took a bucket and just kicked
the fish as hard as he could into the bucket.
It was just.. strange to experience.
Me and Sean just started laughing, but we weren't
laughing because it was funny. We didn't
like it / enjoy it at all. We were laughing
because we were in chock and it was one of those
"you don't know wether to laugh or cry-moments".
And to think that this was nothing to whats
going on at other places around the world.
My mind can't even imagine it.
HAPPY NEW YEAR BTW! (Persian new year.)
Hope you all have a wonderful year full of happiness.
Love you all so much! Greetings from China.
Hey there!

Ricky is in Nanning right now,
he's coming back tomorrow.
Really hope his test went well.
When he's home we'll go apartment hunting.
I can stay here in the school if I want.
But I still want privacy and a great deal of
"alone time". 

Hmm.. Not much has been happening.
Been hanging around Yangshou these days,
been meeting some really cool people.
I don't know, it's quite hard to explain,
but most of the travelers I've met sort of
have the same mentality.

A new guy arrives last week.
His name is Sean and he's Irish.
I think he's 21 or something.
We get along well and he's staying in China
for like 10 weeks. On wednesday he's going
to Fengyan Village, and he'll be spending the
rest of his time in China over there.

I decided I'd show him around Yangshou a bit.
So I took him to the meat market, showed him Kelly's.
Then we went to Lucy's where Henry showed us
how to play a cool chinese gambling game.
I won 4 out of 6 times, pretty pro.

The meatmarket was disgusting.
I wasn't allowed to take pictures
or record anything inside. I did get a picture though.
If you're sensitive you might wanna close your eyes
..or something. Or stop reading.

In the meatmarket you really lost all your apetite
for meat. Small cages with chickens walking ontop
of eachother. Cages with rabbits, etc. There were
no space for them or anything. I wasn't surprised
or anything, It was just very bad to look at.
Dogs in cages, and ontop of their cages were dead dogs..
I mean.. It was just a horrible environment.
You can even see it on the picture.
(The dead dog over the living dogs cage.)..
And the smell.. oh the horrible smell.

Hmm. A fish managed to escape haha and was
splashing on the floor "magikarp style".
Then a man came, took a bucket and just kicked
the fish as hard as he could into the bucket.
It was just.. strange to experience.
Me and Sean just started laughing, but we weren't
laughing because it was funny. We didn't
like it / enjoy it at all. We were laughing
because we were in chock and it was one of those
"you don't know wether to laugh or cry-moments".

And to think that this was nothing to whats
going on at other places around the world.
My mind can't even imagine it.


HAPPY NEW YEAR BTW! (Persian new year.)
Hope you all have a wonderful year full of happiness.
Love you all so much! Greetings from China.

March 16

Hej Mamma!
Idag är jag jätte glad, jag vet inte ens varför.
Jag är bara superduper glad. Hoppas allt är bra
med dig och Tyson! Ge honom en megakram från mig.
Ring om du har tråkigt någon dag, jag har det
ganska lugnt nu med teachingen, är inte varje dag längre.
Känns bra. Maila gärna tillbaka också! Puss och Kram.
Yoyoyo guuuuys!
Right now I'm chilling in my bed at the
Bilingual MiddleSchool in Yangshou.
My bed is as hard as the floor, but I hear
that it can be good for your back or something.
Even if it's not, who cares? It's life.
I like this bed, it's ..a.. bed..
I'm lucky, to have my own bed... Aren't we all?
Yes.. we are. We are so lucky.
Ermm, Today I didn't really do anything special.
Was lying in bed most of the day just missing
people back at home, I'd mention names but I'm
afraid that I'll leave someone out and hurt their
feelings, even though they shouldn't be hurt because
I probably think about them more than anyone else.
But yeah, if you read my blog and we are friends
there is a high chance of me missing you! ..Yes, you!
Often when you miss people, you get slightly sad..
Because you want to be with the people you miss, but
you obviously can't, right? But, I was totally happy.
I thought that was kind of odd, in a good way..
I don't know.. Am I making any sense?
Anyhow, I've been so ridiculously happy today.
I'm always happy, but come on? I feel like I'm on
ecstasy or something, I can't stop smiling..
It even goes to a point where I don't know what I'm
smiling about, I'm just so.. happy, happy, happy.
Happy is a fun word.
Talked a little to Tania today, and after that
I got even more happy, now I'm so happy..there
are not even words for how happy I am right now.
I feel like a sun, I feel like talking to everyone,
just talk sunny.. youknow?
/freaking out
I'm not teaching everyday anymore, which is nice.
Ricky is of to Nanning later this weekend to do
an English test. Best of luck to him! If he does
good he'll be able to go to England. He really
deserves it so I hope it all goes well and smooth.
When he comes back home to Yangshou, we are gonna
go apartment hunting. (No we are not living together.)
I'm getting my own apartment, and he's gonna help me
do negotiations and stuff. I don't wanna pay
"foreigner prize" for a shithole with cockroaches.
- No thanks!
It'll be cheap, so family at home don't have to worry.
I'm fine, I know what I'm doing and everything is good.
Also.. Sarah, mum doesn't actually read the english in the blog.
She just looks at the pictures, so please don't mention
it to her because she will just go panicmode for nothing..
Especially when I'm in the volonteering program and don't get paid.
It's just. I enjoy it so much more this way. It's amazing.
I'll tell her once I've moved, that way she can't really say
anything because it's already done. I just can't live the
way I do right now.. You have no private life whatsoeverrr..
I need my own space, It's like we are living ontop
of eachother here. See eachother 24/7. The people are great.
I like them loads and they are funny too, but hey.
I'm sure you guys understand right? I just want some chill time.
With me myself and I. I'm still gonna see them loads.
Ricky's girlfriend Ellie is coming to China in 3 weeks.
It'll be nice to meet her, she's a very nice girl.
It's also a great opportunity for me to lose some weight.
Hanging with Ricky made me fat.
(Not really blaming him, but it sounds so funny blaming him.)
It's just, we trigger eachothers love for food when we hang.
It just.. doesn't work out in the long run. Hahaha.
Gaining so much weight, ooooooomgggggg.
It's still alright though.
Gonna own this weight-thing up.
No need to worry about it.
Also, the program I'm using to haxx the great firewall of China
has been acting up lately.. I hope it's temporary..
Because "" is now also blocked in China.
( it because of me?)
Dunno, but.. it is, so right now I'll have to send my
blogposts to Jesse and he'll upload for me.. :)
Hope ur all well.
Sorry for such a lame update, I'll make it up to ya'll.
Next one will be with pictures or clips or whatever.
Hej Mamma!
Idag är jag jätte glad, jag vet inte ens varför.
Jag är bara superduper glad. Hoppas allt är bra
med dig och Tyson! Ge honom en megakram från mig.
Ring om du har tråkigt någon dag, jag har det
ganska lugnt nu med teachingen, är inte varje dag längre.
Känns bra. Maila gärna tillbaka också! Puss och Kram.


Yoyoyo guuuuys!

Right now I'm chilling in my bed at the
Bilingual MiddleSchool in Yangshou.
My bed is as hard as the floor, but I hear
that it can be good for your back or something.
Even if it's not, who cares? It's life.
I like this bed, it's ..a.. bed..
I'm lucky, to have my own bed... Aren't we all?

Yes.. we are. We are so lucky.

Ermm, Today I didn't really do anything special.
Was lying in bed most of the day just missing
people back at home, I'd mention names but I'm
afraid that I'll leave someone out and hurt their
feelings, even though they shouldn't be hurt because
I probably think about them more than anyone else.
But yeah, if you read my blog and we are friends
there is a high chance of me missing you! ..Yes, you!

Often when you miss people, you get slightly sad..
Because you want to be with the people you miss, but
you obviously can't, right? But, I was totally happy.
I thought that was kind of odd, in a good way..
I don't know.. Am I making any sense?

Anyhow, I've been so ridiculously happy today.
I'm always happy, but come on? I feel like I'm on
ecstasy or something, I can't stop smiling..
It even goes to a point where I don't know what I'm
smiling about, I'm just so.. happy, happy, happy.

Happy is a fun word.

Talked a little to Tania today, and after that
I got even more happy, now I'm so happy..there
are not even words for how happy I am right now.
I feel like a sun, I feel like talking to everyone,
just talk sunny.. youknow?

/freaking out

I miss my puppy Chiren.
Last day he slept in my arms all day. Using my hand as a pillow.



I'm not teaching everyday anymore, which is nice.
Ricky is of to Nanning later this weekend to do
an English test. Best of luck to him! If he does
good he'll be able to go to England. He really
deserves it so I hope it all goes well and smooth.

When he comes back home to Yangshou, we are gonna
go apartment hunting. (No we are not living together.)
I'm getting my own apartment, and he's gonna help me
do negotiations and stuff. I don't wanna pay
"foreigner prize" for a shithole with cockroaches.
- No thanks!

It'll be cheap, so family at home don't have to worry.
I'm fine, I know what I'm doing and everything is good.

Also.. Sarah, mum doesn't actually read the english in the blog.
She just looks at the pictures, so please don't mention
it to her because she will just go panicmode for nothing..
Especially when I'm in the volonteering program and don't get paid.
It's just. I enjoy it so much more this way. It's amazing.
I'll tell her once I've moved, that way she can't really say
anything because it's already done. I just can't live the
way I do right now.. You have no private life whatsoeverrr..

I need my own space, It's like we are living ontop
of eachother here. See eachother 24/7. The people are great.
I like them loads and they are funny too, but hey.
I'm sure you guys understand right? I just want some chill time.
With me myself and I. I'm still gonna see them loads.

Ricky's girlfriend Ellie is coming to China in 3 weeks.
It'll be nice to meet her, she's a very nice girl.
It's also a great opportunity for me to lose some weight.
Hanging with Ricky made me fat.

(Not really blaming him, but it sounds so funny blaming him.)
It's just, we trigger eachothers love for food when we hang.
It just.. doesn't work out in the long run. Hahaha.
Gaining so much weight, ooooooomgggggg.
It's still alright though.

Gonna own this weight-thing up.
No need to worry about it.

Also, the program I'm using to haxx the great firewall of China
has been acting up lately.. I hope it's temporary.. 

Hope ur all well.
Sorry for such a lame update, I'll make it up to ya'll.
Next one will be with pictures or clips or whatever.

March 12

Fucking shit.
Never before In my life have I been so sad
because of a goodbye. Except for the time I had to say
goodbye to my grandfather at the airport in Tehran,
knowing that he was going to die, that it was our last
moment together, that we would never get to hold
eachother again and that it would b e the last time
I'd be able to look into his eyes and tell him I love him.
But apart from that particular time, I've never been
so sad because of a goodbye as I am right now.
I was all happy and smiles,
but it's extremely hard to look them in the
eyes and smile when some of them are on the
verge of crying. I.. I'm just. Sigh.. I don't know.
I don't cry for stuff like this.
But I've been crying ever since I stepped into my
room here in the Old House. All the presents..
All the notes. It's just so freaking hard to deal with..
They give me all of their stuff.
As a westerner you'd look at it and see junk.
But it's not junk for them and it is not junk for me.
So much devotion and love that they've put into it.
Just to make me smile, just to make me happy.
I don't know. I'm just.. soo.. soo.. sad right now.
They have nothing, yet they give me everything.
I'd smile for them for free. Everyday, for free.
Their english is really bad, and I know that they've
spent last night doing their best to even find the
right words to write down "I miss you". It just.. It feels.
There is this one girl, wrote me a whole letter.
It just burns to read it. I don't know what to feel.
I guess I should be happy, and I guess I am..
but I keep thinking of the conditions they live under.
Yet, even so.. they give me all this stuff.
Their favourite bracelets. Etc...
I can buy hundred if not even thousands of these..
They have one or two, and they give it to me.
Some even do handmade ones, they're soo cute.
My brain can't handle this shit.
I'm gonna go and feed the dogs.
What use is it to sit here and be sad?
These kids are happier than 10 western kids together.
It's just. I guess I'm in chock.
I knew I was coming here,
and what I'd give would be returned a thousand times.
I was wrong and that, so much. Because they don't give
back a thousand times they give you back 1 billion times.
Sorry. Massive rant.. I know. But it's just hard.
That's all I'm saying, and I want you guys to know that.
If I hear anyone at home complaining about their sucky
life and their situation in life or minor problems..
That really shouldn't be considered "problems"..
Fuck.. I'll slit your fucking throat and stab you
50 times in the chest because you are fucking LUCKY.
Don't you ever fucking forget that. EVER.
Emotional rollercoaster.
Fucking shit.
Don't read this if :
- you're easily offended.
- a major newb
- don't like rants
- you're a beaver
- want to spend your time on something worthy it

Never before In my life have I been so sad
because of a goodbye. Except for the time I had to say
goodbye to my grandfather at the airport in Tehran,
knowing that he was going to die, that it was our last
moment together, that we would never get to hold
eachother again and that it would be the last time
I'd be able to look into his eyes and tell him I love him.

But apart from that particular time, I've never been
so sad because of a goodbye as I am right now.
I was all happy and smiles,
but it's extremely hard to look them in the
eyes and smile when some of them are on the
verge of crying. I.. I'm just. Sigh.. I don't know.

I don't cry for stuff like this.
But I've been crying ever since I stepped into my
room here in the Old House. All the presents..
All the notes. It's just so freaking hard to deal with..

They give me all of their stuff.
As a westerner you'd look at it and see junk.
But it's not junk for them and it is not junk for me.
So much devotion and love that they've put into it.
Just to make me smile, just to make me happy.
I don't know. I'm just.. soo.. soo.. sad right now.
They have nothing, yet they give me everything.
I'd smile for them for free. Everyday, for free.

Their english is really bad, and I know that they've
spent last night doing their best to even find the
right words to write down "I miss you". It just.. It feels.

There is this one girl, wrote me a whole letter.
It just burns to read it. I don't know what to feel.
I guess I should be happy, and I guess I am..
but I keep thinking of the conditions they live under.
Yet, even so.. they give me all this stuff.
Their favourite bracelets. Etc...

I can buy hundred if not even thousands of these..
They have one or two, and they give it to me.
Some even do handmade ones, they're soo cute.


My brain can't handle this shit.
I'm gonna go and feed the dogs.
What use is it to sit here and be sad?
These kids are happier than 10 western kids together.

It's just. I guess I'm in chock.
I knew I was coming here,
and what I'd give would be returned a thousand times.
I was wrong and that, so much. Because they don't give
back a thousand times they give you back 1 billion times.

Sorry. Massive rant.. I know. But it's just hard.
That's all I'm saying, and I want you guys to know that.

If I hear anyone at home complaining about their sucky
life and their situation in life or minor problems..
That really shouldn't be considered "problems"..
Fuck.. I'll slit your fucking throat and stab you
50 times in the chest because you are fucking LUCKY.
Don't you ever fucking forget that. EVER.


Emotional rollercoaster.

March 11

I'm writing this while my net is down
and who knows when it'll be up next time.
So yeah, this is Thursday, March 11.
I'm in my bed, wrapped up -
keeping warm and eating cashewnuts.
I love my students so so much.
;They're adorable. It sucks that tomorrow is
my last day of teaching Primary school.
They are the cutest children I've ever been around.
Gaaah.... and THEY love me so much. Kids never love me.
Sighhh..... Tomorrow will be the last day I'll have
with them. It's so sad. They give me gifts everyday..
But today, haha.. There's this one kid in my class, right?
His name is Leo, and he's ADORABLE. CUTEST EVER.
And.. I think he's in love with me? Which is weird..
But he's the cutest kid ever, you can't help but to smile when
you see him. Haha, he bought me a bracelet and wrote a note.
"Leo hopes teacher is well, I will miss you! - Love from Leo"
Pretty cute. I have a few favourites, I must admit that..
But I never let them know or treat them differently.
I just wish I could let them know how much I appreciate them back.
But it's sort of.. not my place to do that. I'm a teacher now.
I can't explain it. But when they look into my eyes, their
eyes are filled with so much happiness, love, curiousity, respect.
What I'm giving them.. they give back a thousand times.
Even the troublemakers in the "bad" class love me now.
And I like them too! I never thought I would, but they..
they make so happy. I can't describe it.
It's just..
Yeah.. I'm very sad right now for having to leave them.
The rest of my days I spend on lessonplanning and after
that I spend my day cuddling with the puppies or feeding them.
Did I tell you guys that I named one of the puppies "Chiren"?
I took some photos, but they are all horrible, I also made
Kristel record me feeding them. They are so cute.
Then before sleep It's always Jesse-time, if the wifi is working.
Jesse is coming over in 8 weeks. Not much left noooow.
So exciting.
These cashewnuts taste like shit, wtf...

I'm writing this while my net is down
and who knows when it'll be up next time.
So yeah, this is Thursday, March 11.

I'm in my bed, wrapped up -
keeping warm and eating cashewnuts.

I love my students so so much.
They're adorable. It sucks that tomorrow is
my last day of teaching Primary school.

They are the cutest children I've ever been around.
Gaaah.... and THEY love me so much. Kids never love me.
Sighhh..... Tomorrow will be the last day I'll have
with them. It's so sad. They give me gifts everyday..
But today, haha.. There's this one kid in my class, right?
His name is Leo, and he's ADORABLE. CUTEST EVER.

And.. I think he's in love with me? Which is weird..
But he's the cutest kid ever, you can't help but to smile when
you see him. Haha, he bought me a bracelet and wrote a note.

"Leo hopes teacher is well, I will miss you! - Love from Leo"

Pretty cute. I have a few favourites, I must admit that..
But I never let them know or treat them differently.
I just wish I could let them know how much I appreciate them back.
But it's sort of.. not my place to do that. I'm a teacher now.

I can't explain it. But when they look into my eyes, their
eyes are filled with so much happiness, love, curiousity, respect.
What I'm giving them.. they give back a thousand times.

Even the troublemakers in the "bad" class love me now.
And I like them too! I never thought I would, but they..
they make so happy. I can't describe it.

It's just..
Yeah.. I'm very sad right now for having to leave them.

The rest of my days I spend on lessonplanning and after
that I spend my day cuddling with the puppies or feeding them.

Did I tell you guys that I named one of the puppies "Chiren"?

I took some photos, but they are all horrible, I also made
Kristel record me feeding them. They are so cute.

Then before sleep It's always Jesse-time, if the wifi is working.
Jesse is coming over in 8 weeks. Not much left noooow.
So exciting.

These cashewnuts taste like shit, wtf...

March 8

I havn't been able to update in quite a long time.
I apologize for that, but my wifi here in the village is
unfortunately not as stable as I thought at first.
Today it's only 9 weeks left until Jesse comes over.
I hope they'll go fast, time goes slooowly in the village.
Last friday I owned teaching up sooo bad.
We did months, weekdays and days.
They knew that quite well, so I moved on to bodyparts.
They knew bodyparts pretty well aswell...
But I was getting suspicious. Did they really know what
they were saying? Or was it just them repeating and repeating?
So this is what I did.
I drew this enormous human body on the board.
The head, neck, shoulders, yeah everything.
To the most important bodyparts I drew lines, sort of like this.
O-- __
' '-- __
then I'd point at my head and say "head".
They'd repeat ofcourse, and I'd fill in the blank of the line with the word.
O-- Head
' ' -- ___
So that they could see where on the body it was and how it was spelled.
(If my body language and showing where the parts were on
my own body weren't enough. Haha!)
O-- Head
' ' -- Neck
They repeated ofcourse, we went over the spelling.
When they thought we were done, I erased all the words on the board.
Asked them if anyone wanted to come up and fill in one of the bodyparts
on the board. No one wanted to come up. surprise eh?
In both of my classes I have girls who are shy, but eager to try.
They were hesitating at first, but I make them go up and they do as I say.
Girl tries, gets it wrong at first, but I gently correct her mistake and let
her do it again, this time she gets it right. So I give her candy.
In chinese schools, this is very very odd, surprising and fun.
Now they ALL wanted to go up to the board. (because they knew they'd
get candy if they did.) Not only did it make them want to participate,
but it also caught their interest. Everyone took out their notebooks
without me asking them, started to take notes on every single thing.
So that they'd know how to spell it correctly if they got sent up to the board.
Which is nice because that is the way you learn, you learn things by being
interested, by putting your mind into it, by competing against others and
ofcourse by having fun at the same time.
When the bell rang they all cried out "nooooooooooooo".
Because they didn't want english class to end.
Even the kids who hated english class didn't want it to end.
So yeah, it was pretty cool.
Ofcourse I won't be using this tactic again in a long time.
I don't need to, because next time they're all gonna be
so eager and  excited, wondering what "foreign teacher"
will do/teach next/today.
If you use this tactic over and over and over again.
The candy or reward or whatever loses it's value and purpose.
So use it when you want to spark the classroom up a little.
Use it when it's something vital for them to learn.
Something that usually wouldn't be so much fun...
I spent this weekend in Yangshuo.
Hanging with John and Kajsa for the last time in a very long time.
I took Kristel (my new roomie in Fengyan Village) with me
because she hadn't been in Yangshou before and there was a
big chance that she wouldn't be able to go there in the future.
I wont be returning to Yangshuo next weekend, because I realised
that I spend crazy amounts of money when I'm there.
I had a really good time though, except for the fact that
I've been suffering from extreme pain. (period. :D!)
Which is weird, because I havn't felt that kind of pain while
on my period for a very long time. It would suck if it came back.
If it does, I only have one pill against it left, so I'd have to
ask my mum to send me pills PRONTO. Or else I will be stuck
in bed, not being able to move, not being able to do anything.
Sigh. It's horrible. Really. I wouldn't even wish for my worst
enemies to feel that kind of pain. It's just soooo bad.
Now I'm back in the village, went to sleep like 4 in the morning
last night because I couldn't stop talking to Jesse.
I stacked up on Oreos and pringles before returning to the village.
According to my plan they were supposed to last for 2 weeks.
I'm on my second day, and it's all gone.
(yes.. I did eat it all, by myself.. )
I even offered Ricky my last oreo.
He was sooo happy. Then he walked away for 5 minutes.
The cookie was just there... on the table.. all alone.
I mean, why didn't Ricky eat it, it's his own fault.
Can't just leave cookies lying around.
Also, I got to chat with my mum on msn for a bit while in Yangshou.
man, took her atleast 6 minutes to type down "how are you".
She's soooo cute for trying, man.. I love her so much!
I havn't been able to update in quite a long time.
I apologize for that, but my wifi here in the village is
unfortunately not as stable as I thought at first.

Today it's only 9 weeks left until Jesse comes over.
I hope they'll go fast, time goes slooowly in the village.
Last friday I owned teaching up sooo bad.
We did months, weekdays and days.

They knew that quite well, so I moved on to bodyparts.
They knew bodyparts pretty well aswell...
But I was getting suspicious. Did they really know what
they were saying? Or was it just them repeating and repeating?

So this is what I did.

I drew this enormous human body on the board.
The head, neck, shoulders, yeah everything.

To the most important bodyparts I drew lines, sort of like this.

O-- __
' '-- __

then I'd point at my head and say "head".
They'd repeat ofcourse, and I'd fill in the blank of the line with the word.

O-- Head
' ' -- ___

So that they could see where on the body it was and how it was spelled.
(If my body language and showing where the parts were on
my own body weren't enough. Haha!)

O-- Head
' ' -- Neck

They repeated ofcourse, we went over the spelling.
When they thought we were done, I erased all the words on the board.
Asked them if anyone wanted to come up and fill in one of the bodyparts
on the board. No one wanted to come up. surprise eh?

In both of my classes I have girls who are shy, but eager to try.
They were hesitating at first, but I make them go up and they do as I say.
Girl tries, gets it wrong at first, but I gently correct her mistake and let
her do it again, this time she gets it right. So I give her candy.

In chinese schools, this is very very odd, surprising and fun.
Now they ALL wanted to go up to the board. (because they knew they'd
get candy if they did.) Not only did it make them want to participate,
but it also caught their interest. Everyone took out their notebooks
without me asking them, started to take notes on every single thing.

So that they'd know how to spell it correctly if they got sent up to the board.
Which is nice because that is the way you learn, you learn things by being
interested, by putting your mind into it, by competing against others and
ofcourse by having fun at the same time.

When the bell rang they all cried out "nooooooooooooo".
Because they didn't want english class to end.
Even the kids who hated english class didn't want it to end.

So yeah, it was pretty cool.

Ofcourse I won't be using this tactic again in a long time.
I don't need to, because next time they're all gonna be
so eager and  excited, wondering what "foreign teacher"
will do/teach next/today.

If you use this tactic over and over and over again.
The candy or reward or whatever loses it's value and purpose.
So use it when you want to spark the classroom up a little.
Use it when it's something vital for them to learn.
Something that usually wouldn't be so much fun... 

I spent this weekend in Yangshuo.
Hanging with John and Kajsa for the last time in a very long time.
I took Kristel (my new roomie in Fengyan Village) with me
because she hadn't been in Yangshou before and there was a
big chance that she wouldn't be able to go there in the future.

I wont be returning to Yangshuo next weekend, because I realised
that I spend crazy amounts of money when I'm there.

I had a really good time though, except for the fact that
I've been suffering from extreme pain. (period. :D!)
Which is weird, because I havn't felt that kind of pain while
on my period for a very long time. It would suck if it came back.

If it does, I only have one pill against it left, so I'd have to
ask my mum to send me pills PRONTO. Or else I will be stuck
in bed, not being able to move, not being able to do anything.
Sigh. It's horrible. Really. I wouldn't even wish for my worst
enemies to feel that kind of pain. It's just soooo bad.

Now I'm back in the village, went to sleep like 4 in the morning
last night because I couldn't stop talking to Jesse.
I stacked up on Oreos and pringles before returning to the village.
According to my plan they were supposed to last for 2 weeks.
I'm on my second day, and it's all gone. 

(yes.. I did eat it all, by myself.. )


I even offered Ricky my last oreo.
He was sooo happy. Then he walked away for 5 minutes.
The cookie was just there... on the table.. all alone.
I mean, why didn't Ricky eat it, it's his own fault.
Can't just leave cookies lying around.

Also, I got to chat with my mum on msn for a bit while in Yangshou.
man, took her atleast 6 minutes to type down "how are you".
She's soooo cute for trying, man.. I love her so much!

March 4

Hey there!
I just got home from my second day of teaching.
I have 2 classes a day, both are age 11-12.
One is slightly better than the other.
They are all super cute, well not all, but most.
In my first class I was sort of nervous.
But it passed away pretty quickly.
I didn't spend too much time on my lesson plan
because I really thought it was rock solid.
I was wrong.
Time went by so much quicker than I thought.
They were better than expected but at the same
time worse than I could ever had imagined.
They can repeat and repeat and repeat.
They have no clue what they're saying though.
They have one english teacher, she doesn't even
understand or speak english. It's horrible.
They read their textbooks without knowing what
it means. So all I really do is fix their
horrible pronounciation, but they still don't
know what they are saying. If you move back
to more basic stuff, they already know that.
There is no way of communicating.
They can't understand me when I speak,
even if I use body language all the time
and speak slow,loud and clear. It's awful.
They probably think I'm weird because I use
so much body language, and all they really
do is repeat, because that's the way they've
been taught. Right? So if I ask them something
very basic, they just repeat my question instead
of answering it, with yes or no.
Which means that they don't understand what
the hell they are saying. Right? - Sigh....
How do I teach these kids?
It's extremely hard aswell because I don't speak
chinese, they said it wasn't necessary but I feel
that it would have been a handy quality to have.
It was alright though.
I improvised and it turned out pretty okay.
I also got an idea of what level they are on,
what they understand, what they're capable of, etc..
So for my second class I teached them animals.
Some they knew, some they didn't. Our warmup
consisted of me putting the chinese name of the
animal on the board.. for example:
yú =
and they'd ofcourse scream out "YÚ" because thats
what they do, they repeat and repeat and repeat.
and then I'd go "no, in English!"
and they'd be quiet.. then someone would with
hesitation say "".
me: "Yes! Very good! FISH!"
all of them: "FISH!!!!:D:D"
we did that with like 20 different animals.
They knew 15 of them pretty well, but 5 were
completely new to them, so we did what they
are best at, we repeated the animals for a
good 6 minutes or something. Sometimes I'd
be a little tricky and erase the english words
so they had to say them again. The ones they
had the hardest time to remember was:
Snake, Spider, Rat, Bird and Lion.
The main activity we did was pictionary.
They'd pick a note from my plasticbag,
and on the note there would be the
english name of an animal. If they were
unsure and didn't understand it, I'd let
the drawer know the chinese meaning.
When teams answered they had to raise their
hands and say the correct name of the animal
in english. Sometimes they got too excited and
would scream it out loud ofcourse, but they're
just kids, so it happens.
They had a lot of fun doing pictionary and at
the end of the lesson they all gave me presents.
(what the fuck????)
They gave me their notebooks, their pens, their
bracelets, drawings of flowers, gum, crackers...
hahaha.. I felt sooo bad. Like.. really bad.
But apparantly we shouldn't feel bad about
accepting gifts from them, but I mean..
How the hell can you not feel bad about that?
When a poor village kid gives you her favourite
pen, then.. yeah.. makes you feel so bad.
They refuse to take them back aswell..
Sigh, ah well.
Tomorrow we're doing bodyparts!
Now I gotta do my lessonplan for tomorrow!
Hey there!

I just got home from my second day of teaching.
I have 2 classes a day, both are age 11-12.
One is slightly better than the other.
They are all super cute, well not all, but most.

In my first class I was sort of nervous.
But it passed away pretty quickly.
I didn't spend too much time on my lesson plan
because I really thought it was rock solid.
I was wrong.

Time went by so much quicker than I thought.
They were better than expected but at the same
time worse than I could ever had imagined.
They can repeat and repeat and repeat.

They have no clue what they're saying though.
They have one english teacher, she doesn't even
understand or speak english. It's horrible.

They read their textbooks without knowing what
it means. (Not even their english teacher knows
what it means!) So all I really do is fix their
horrible pronounciation, but they still don't
know what they are saying. If you move back
to more basic stuff, they already know that.

There is no communication.
They can't understand me when I speak,
even if I use body language all the time
and speak slow,loud and clear. It's awful.

They probably think I'm weird because I use
so much body language, and all they really
do is repeat, because that's the way they've
been taught. Right? So if I ask them something
very basic, they just repeat my question instead
of answering it - with yes or no.

Which means that they don't understand what
the hell I and them are saying. Right? - Sigh....
How do I teach these kids?

It's extremely hard aswell because I don't speak
chinese, they said it wasn't necessary but I feel
that it would have been a handy quality to have.
It was alright though.

I improvised and it turned out pretty okay.
I also got an idea of what level they are on,
what they understand, what they're capable of, etc..

So for my second class I taught them animals.
Some they knew, some they didn't. Our warmup
consisted of me putting the chinese name of the
animal on the board.. for example:

yú =

and they'd ofcourse scream out "YÚ" because thats
what they do, they repeat and repeat and repeat.

and then I'd go "no, in English!"

They'd be quiet.. then someone would hesitate
but eventually say "".

me: "Yes! Very Good! FISH!"

all of them: "FISH!!!!:D:D"

we did that with like 20 different animals.
They knew 15 of them pretty well, but 5 were
completely new to them, so we did what they
are best at, we repeated the animals for a
good 6 minutes or something. Sometimes I'd
be a little tricky and erase the english words
so they had to say them again. The ones they
had the hardest time to remember was:
Snake, Spider, Rat, Bird and Lion.

The main activity we did was pictionary.
They'd pick a note from my plasticbag,
and on the note there would be the
english name of an animal. If they were
unsure and didn't understand it, I'd let
the drawer know the chinese meaning.

When teams answered they had to raise their
hands and say the correct name of the animal
in english. Sometimes they got too excited and
would scream it out loud ofcourse, but they're
just kids, so it happens.

They had a lot of fun doing pictionary and at
the end of the lesson they all gave me presents.
(what the fuck????)

They gave me their notebooks, their pens, their
bracelets, drawings of flowers, gum, crackers...
hahaha.. I felt sooo bad. Like.. really bad.

But apparantly we shouldn't feel bad about
accepting gifts from them, but I mean..
How the hell can you not feel bad about that?

When a poor village kid gives you her favourite
pen, then.. yeah.. makes you feel so bad.
They refuse to take them back aswell..
Sigh, ah well.

Tomorrow we're doing bodyparts!
Now I gotta do my lessonplan for tomorrow!
Take care (if you made it this far!)
- Some kids @ school in the village ! -

March 3

Today is my first day of teaching!
Do you think I'm nervous?
Tsss... not even the slightest.
(okay that's a HUUGE LIE...)
Yesterday, we went to the school to
see the headmaster, we got our schedules
and found out that we're starting today.
Kids we're all super excited when we
arrived in our minivan. They were all in
class but as soon as I stepped out of the
car, it was as if I was the blackboard.
Not so fun for the chinese teachers,
because it's not easy to keep the childrens
attention when a distracting foreigner is
walking a few meters away from your classroom.
When they had their break they all rushed to
us so they could practice the little english
they knew. Which basically consisted of;
At first glance they weren't shy, but...
When I stepped out of the headmasters office.
They weren't so eager to talk anymore.
Everyone RUSHED away from me.
Because no one was sure of how to keep a
conversation going, no one wanted to be the first.
(Do I really look thaaat scary, btw?)
Some would push their friends infront of me
and before they got pushed their friends would
whisper, "say HOW ARE YOU" and the kid who got
pushed would blush to death and stand there like
a fool and run away 2 seconds later -for his life.
Never before have I seen so many kids being "afraid" of me.
Nor have I seen so many kids being THAT happy, just because of me.
Teachers are me, Pontus and Sara.
We all got one grade each.
(grade 3, grade 4 and grade 5.)
Sara isn't really comfortable with her
english skills so she decided that she
wanted to teach grade 3. Pontus jumped
on grade 4, so that left me with grade 5.
but, I don't mind. I guess it's more fun
when you actually can interact with your
students a little.
Last night, I finished my Lesson Plan for today.
It's just an introduction lesson, but I think it
will turn out okay. I hope it does.
I hope I'll be able to pull myself together and
not be nervous. Atleast pull myself together so
they can't notice that I'm nervous. Would suck.
Children are like dogs (we eat them).
No.. (okay.. lamest joke ever.. sorry 'bout that.)
What I mean't was, that they can sense your fear.
If they do, then.. yeah, it's not good.
Hmm, I think I'll do good though, I'll manage.
I have to take a shower now, class in a few hours.
Wish me good luck!

Today is my first day of teaching!
Do you think I'm nervous?
Tsss... not even the slightest.
(okay that's a HUUGE LIE...)

Yesterday, we went to the school to
see the headmaster, we got our schedules
and found out that we're starting today.

Kids we're all super excited when we
arrived in our minivan. They were all in
class but as soon as I stepped out of the
car, it was as if I was the blackboard.
Not so fun for the chinese teachers,
because it's not easy to keep the childrens
attention when a distracting foreigner is
walking a few meters away from your classroom.

When they had their break they all rushed to
us so they could practice the little english
they knew. Which basically consisted of;

At first glance they weren't shy, but...
When I stepped out of the headmasters office.
They weren't so eager to talk anymore.
Everyone RUSHED away from me.
Because no one was sure of how to keep a
conversation going, no one wanted to be the first.

(Do I really look thaaat scary, btw?)

Some would push their friends infront of me
and before they got pushed their friends would
whisper, "say HOW ARE YOU" and the kid who got
pushed would blush to death and stand there like
a fool and run away 2 seconds later -for his life.

Never before have I seen so many kids being "afraid" of me.
Nor have I seen so many kids being THAT happy, just because of me.

Teachers are me, Pontus and Sara.
We all got one grade each.
(grade 3, grade 4 and grade 5.)

Sara isn't really comfortable with her
english skills so she decided that she
wanted to teach grade 3. Pontus jumped
on grade 4, so that left me with grade 5.

But, I don't mind. I guess it's more fun
when you actually can interact with your
students a little.

Last night, I finished my Lesson Plan for today.
It's just an introduction lesson, but I think it
will turn out okay. I hope it does.
I hope I'll be able to pull myself together and
not be nervous. Atleast pull myself together so
they can't notice that I'm nervous. Would suck.

Children are like dogs (we eat them).
No.. (okay.. lamest joke ever.. sorry 'bout that.)

What I mean't was, that they can sense your fear.
If they do, then.. yeah, it's not good.

Hmm, I think I'll do good though, I'll manage.

I have to take a shower now, class in a few hours.

Wish me good luck!

March 2

I'm sorry I havn't updated in a long time.
I've been quite busy lately and I'll be even
more busy from now on. I'll still try my
best to keep the blog updated though.
So this last week have been quite sad.
Everyone in the group (30 people) have
separated and we're all spread in different
cities/villages in China.
So basically been saying goodbye to people.
Just chilled some, celebrated the last day
of Spring Festival and I even went to Guilin one day.
I left the Bilingual Middle School
(where I've been living this last month)
this morning, quite early.
Last night I spent my night together with
Charlie, Kajsa, John, Ricky, Will and Andrew.
We found a strange café inbetween Kelly's
and Lucy's where they had a cozy corner and
a dvdplayer+tv. So we all chilled there for
a couple of hours. We saw two movies.
One was "Next" and it sucked really bad.
The other one was "Brüno", and atleast it was
better than "Next". (Can't stand Nicolas Cage.)
We got home around 1 in the morning.
Before we all went to sleep we had to say goodbye.
I don't think I've realised yet, because It
didn't hit me. It didn't make me sad.
The idea of not hanging with John and Kajsa is
just so unreal to me, that I don't believe it.
I still don't believe it. It.. I don't know..
Feels like I'll hang with them soon again.
But yeah, the idea of not seeing them more in
a long time sucks so much. I can't stand it.
Sigh. John bought a laptop in Guilin,
so we could always skype it up if we want.
- Me and John in Guilin, waiting for Ricky.
This morning I left together with Ricky,
Pontus and Sara. We're in Fengyan Village now.
This will be my home for most of my stay in China.
It's extremely beautiful and the Old House is
amazing. I'll probably give you guys a roundtour
sometime. Doing a short Vlog or something.
My bed here is massive compared to the one I
had in School. I also have wifi. I think it's
even more stable than my last one, so keeping
in touch is definitely not a problem.
I arrived 2 hours ago and I just had lunch.
In 45 minutes I'm off to Primary School.
(Where I will be teaching!)
To meet up with the principal and get my
schedule. Pretty exciting. I still don't
know anything about my classes.
I don't know what level of english they're on.
But I'm pretty sure it's 0.
It's going to be tough, but extremely fun.
I just hope I become a popular teacher and
that they enjoy my lessons. I mean...
Being laughed at or having them say bad things
about my class/teaching.. wouldn't be so nice.
That reminds me, I should probably do some
lesson planning tonight. If I don't..
tomorrow will be a living hell.
I guess the worst thing that can happen is that
I fuck everything up and Isabella will have to
send me out of the Old House and I don't have
anywhere to stay. But I think if that happend,
I'd still manage somehow. Only 9 weeks until
Jesse gets here afterall. It's not long at all.
Can't wait!!
I'm sorry I havn't updated in a long time.
I've been quite busy lately and I'll be even
more busy from now on. I'll still try my
best to keep the blog updated though.

So this last week have been quite sad.
Everyone in the group (30 people) have
separated and we're all spread in different
cities/villages in China. 

So basically been saying goodbye to people.
Just chilled some, celebrated the last day
of Spring Festival and I even went to Guilin one day.

I left the Bilingual Middle School
(where I've been living this last month)
this morning, quite early.

Last night I spent my night together with
Charlie, Kajsa, John, Ricky, Will and Andrew.
We found a strange café inbetween Kelly's
and Lucy's where they had a cozy corner and
a dvdplayer+tv. So we all chilled there for
a couple of hours. We saw two movies.
One was "Next" and it sucked really bad.
The other one was "Brüno", and atleast it was
better than "Next". (Can't stand Nicolas Cage.)

We got home around 1 in the morning.
Before we all went to sleep we had to say goodbye.
I don't think I've realised yet, because It
didn't hit me. It didn't make me sad.
The idea of not hanging with John and Kajsa is
just so unreal to me, that I don't believe it.

I still don't believe it. It.. I don't know..
Feels like I'll hang with them soon again.
But yeah, the idea of not seeing them more in
a long time sucks so much. I can't stand it.
Sigh. John bought a laptop in Guilin,
so we could always skype it up if we want.

me and john in warm
- Me and John

me john and ricky in guilin last day together
- Us three
(Yeah. I know, swamp monster number one.
Not the most charming pictures, but it's the
only pictures I have on us together. :(...)

This morning I left together with Ricky,
Pontus and Sara. We're in Fengyan Village now.
This will be my home for most of my stay in China.
It's extremely beautiful and the Old House is
amazing. I'll probably give you guys a roundtour
sometime. Doing a short Vlog or something.

My bed here is massive compared to the one I
had in School. I also have wifi. I think it's
even more stable than my last one, so keeping
in touch is definitely not a problem.

I arrived 2 hours ago and I just had lunch.
In 45 minutes I'm off to Primary School.
(Where I will be teaching!)

To meet up with the principal and get my
schedule. Pretty exciting. I still don't
know anything about my classes.
I don't know what level of english they're on.
But I'm pretty sure it's 0.

It's going to be tough, but extremely fun.
I just hope I become a popular teacher and
that they enjoy my lessons. I mean...
Being laughed at or having them say bad things
about my class/teaching.. wouldn't be so nice.

That reminds me, I should probably do some
lesson planning tonight. If I don't..
tomorrow will be a living hell.

I guess the worst thing that can happen is that
I fuck everything up and Isabella will have to
send me out of the Old House and I don't have
anywhere to stay. But I think if that happend,
I'd still manage somehow. Only 9 weeks until
Jesse gets here afterall. It's not long at all.

Can't wait!!

February 26

Today was an early day for me.
I woke up around 8 because I had gone to bed
so early last night. Had an awesome breakfast..
Followed by the information that I was taking
the TEFL test in 10 minutes....
I didn't care too much about it, but I'm
pretty sure it went well. No worries.
Jesse still hadn't gone to bed so spent some
time trolling people on Pokerstars with him.
But we ended up being trolled by Jesse's stalker
"betttt". He always comes on our tables when we
play low stakes, because he knows that when
Jesse and I play together, we play like the
biggest retards on earth.
When it was 5 in the morning for Jesse and 13.00
here for me, I had to run to catch the bus.
Because today, I did something special with my group.
We took a 1 hour ride to XingPing, a beautiful place
here in Guangxi Province. The place is a very popular
destination amongst tourists. The nature and landscape
is truly.... breathtaking.
It is a famous place in China and the landscape is even
printed on their "20 Yuan".
We took a boat and sailed down the river for 30 minutes.
Here are some pictures..
Beautiful isn't it?
While on the boat.. Hughie got this strange idea..
"Maral... can you swim?"
"Ofcourse I can swim.."
"Wanna swim?"
"Yeah? But.. don't have any other clothes.."
"What about leeches or other
"dangerous" creatures in the water?"
"There are none of those in the water!"
"Are you sure?"
"Okay.. lets do it."
"haha, for real? You in?"
"Yeah.. why not.. but.. are we even allowed?"
"Who cares!"
"Ok ok, lets go!"
So yeah, me and Hughie decided to swim back.
So we did.. and it was amaaaaaazing.
Haha, the chinese tourists went crazy with their
cameras, because not only is it still "winter" here.
It is also 2 foreigners swimming in the river!
It felt great though, wow... the water wasn't even cold.
It was slightly cold at first, but.. I usually have
major problems going into the water, but..
Not today. So I guess the water temperature was pleasant.
Now we're back at home, I'm super tired.
Really hungry. Around 19.00 We're gonna head to town
and eat Hotpot. Omnomnom.
Now I'll be taking a short nap.
Also, after hotpot I'll go say bye to Patrik and Leo.
They're leaving today, quite sad. I'll sure miss them.
After that we're going to Monkey Jane's bar to play
some beerpong. See ya'll.
Today was an early day for me.

I woke up around 8 because I had gone to bed
so early last night. Had an awesome breakfast..
Followed by the information that I was taking
the TEFL test in 10 minutes....
I didn't care too much about it, but I'm
pretty sure it went well. No worries.

Jesse still hadn't gone to bed so spent some
time trolling people on Pokerstars with him.
But we ended up being trolled by Jesse's stalker
"betttt". He always comes on our tables when we
play low stakes, because he knows that when
Jesse and I play together, we play like the
biggest retards on earth.

When it was 5 in the morning for Jesse and 13.00
here for me, I had to run to catch the bus.
Because today, I did something special with my group.

We took a 1 hour ride to XingPing, a beautiful place
here in Guangxi Province. The place is a very popular
destination amongst tourists. The nature and landscape
is truly.... breathtaking.

It is a famous place in China and the landscape is even
printed on their "20 Yuan".

We took a boat and sailed down the river for 30 minutes.
Here are some pictures..
Pretty cool, eh.
Awesome picture of Drew.
Beautiful isn't it?

While on the boat.. Hughie got this strange idea..
"Maral... can you swim?"
"Ofcourse I can swim.."
"Wanna swim?"
"Yeah? But.. don't have any other clothes.."
"What about leeches or other
"dangerous" creatures in the water?"
"There are none of those in the water!"
"Are you sure?"
"Okay.. lets do it."
"haha, for real? You in?"
"Yeah.. why not.. but.. are we even allowed?"
"Who cares!"
"Ok ok, lets go!"

So yeah, me and Hughie decided to swim back.
So we did.. and it was amaaaaaazing.
Haha, the chinese tourists went crazy with their
cameras, because not only is it still "winter" here.
It is also 2 foreigners swimming in the river!


It felt great though, wow... the water wasn't even cold.
It was slightly cold at first, but.. I usually have
major problems going into the water, but..
Not today. So I guess the water temperature was pleasant.

We're back at home and I'm super tired.
Really hungry too. Around 19.00 We're gonna
head to town and eat Hotpot. Omnomnom.

Now I'll be taking a short nap.

Also, after hotpot I'll go say bye to Patrik and Leo.
They're leaving today, quite sad. I'll sure miss them.

After that we're going to Monkey Jane's bar to play
some beerpong. See ya'll. <3

February 25

Hughie and Charlie came up with this
idea of having a "Sports Day".
They set up like 20 different activities.
I participated in football and in the
obstacle course, and oh my god.
Never before in my life have I been so tired
as I was after the obstacle course.
I'd tell you everything we had to do
but Im honestly tooo tired to type it all out.
Some of the awesome parts where that you'd get
to a point where you had to use your hands
and digg for something in a huge sandbox,
and you didn't even know what you were looking for.
At one point you'd get a bucket of water
thrown at you so you were soaked to the bone.
At another point you had to change clothes
with ur teammates. Yes.. completely.
Then it was pretty casual..
You'd climb plenty of things,
jump over stuff, carry people,
crawl like there was no tomorrow
and run.. run for your life.
After the obstacle course we were all
extremely dirty, covered with bruises.
But it was greaaat fun.
Big thanks to Hughie and Charlie for
coming up with the awesome event.
Hughie and Charlie came up with this
idea of having a "Sports Day". 

They set up like 20 different activities.
I participated in football and in the
obstacle course, and oh my god.
Never before in my life have I been so tired
as I was after the obstacle course.

I'd tell you everything we had to do
but Im honestly tooo tired to type it all out.
Some of the awesome parts where that you'd get
to a point where you had to use your hands
and digg for something in a huge sandbox,
and you didn't even know what you were looking for.

At one point you'd get a bucket of water
thrown at you so you were soaked to the bone.
At another point you had to change clothes
with ur teammates. Yes.. completely.

Then it was pretty casual..
You'd climb plenty of things,
jump over stuff, carry people,
crawl like there was no tomorrow
and run.. run for your life.

After the obstacle course we were all v>
extremely dirty, covered with bruises.

But it was greaaat fun.

Big thanks to Hughie and Charlie for
coming up with the awesome event.

Me and Patrik, dirty after the obstacle course. ^__^

February 23

February 23d... What did I do this day?
I know I did something nice, but I've completely
forgotten since it's now the 26th when I'm writing this.
Ah well..
Oh yeah..
Was this the day I saw Pulp Fiction for the first time?
Awesome movie. After the movie "we" (John) got drunk
and had barbeque. Went to the internetcafe later,
where I skyped with Jesse until 6 in the morning.
Was a nice walk home.
Never seen the streets of Yangshuo so empt
February 23d... What did I do this day?

I know I did something nice, but I've completely
forgotten since it's now the 26th when I'm writing this.

Ah well..

Oh yeah..
Was this the day I saw Pulp Fiction for the first time?
Awesome movie. After the movie "we" (John) got drunk
and had barbeque. Went to the internetcafe later,
where I skyped with Jesse until 6 in the morning.
Was a nice walk home.

Never seen the streets of Yangshuo so empty before.

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