February 23

February 23d... What did I do this day?
I know I did something nice, but I've completely
forgotten since it's now the 26th when I'm writing this.
Ah well..
Oh yeah..
Was this the day I saw Pulp Fiction for the first time?
Awesome movie. After the movie "we" (John) got drunk
and had barbeque. Went to the internetcafe later,
where I skyped with Jesse until 6 in the morning.
Was a nice walk home.
Never seen the streets of Yangshuo so empt
February 23d... What did I do this day?

I know I did something nice, but I've completely
forgotten since it's now the 26th when I'm writing this.

Ah well..

Oh yeah..
Was this the day I saw Pulp Fiction for the first time?
Awesome movie. After the movie "we" (John) got drunk
and had barbeque. Went to the internetcafe later,
where I skyped with Jesse until 6 in the morning.
Was a nice walk home.

Never seen the streets of Yangshuo so empty before.


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