Goodbye China

I know, I wasn't supposed to leave until 25th of June.
I know, Jesse was supposed to come here very soon.
But I'm going back home to Sweden in 8 days.
I'm getting the ticket tomorrow.

Jesse has been in an accident and there is nothing I'd rather do
than to go home and then go to Guernsey so I can spend time with him.

There is no reason for me to stay here anymore.
China has been a wonderful experience. I've met some great people.
I hope I'll meet many of you again. Especially Ricky and John.
I miss you guys loads, we will have to meet up sometime in England.
we can't leave the Bad Horse tribe-dying, can we?

I won't mention names, because everyone here has been truly great.
You all know who you are. I hope you all who are home by now
enjoyed your adventures in China and for all of you who are still here.
Best of luck. Stay safe and enjoy! It's been a pleasure meeting you all.

(I was mean and took a picture of Jesse while he got some
of his  knee-injuries cleaned up! Don't tell him I did it.....
he will probably notice very soon anyways... )


click to enlarge

Postat av: XeleX

what happened to him ? :-( ?!?!?!?

2010-05-11 @ 03:19:27
Postat av: Anthony

Oh I hope he gets better soon. We have all missed you by the way, super kudos on your awesome adventure!


2010-05-11 @ 20:02:27
Postat av: john

holy crap, poor dude

will miss you too, and yeah lets try and meet up in england at some point with ricky...bad horse reunion!!

take it easy, safe travels

love john and kajsa

2010-05-12 @ 02:52:56
Postat av: Anonym

Sorry to hear about your boyfriend. Been keeping up with your adventures in China. Don't tell stalker dude when you are leaving just let him wake up one day and your gone. Get my meaning.

2010-05-12 @ 18:15:54

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