January 30

Hey guys.
I didn't sleep at all last night.
First because I thought it wasn't needed.
Second because I hadn't finished packing anyways.
Third because it was my last night having Jessnom to talk to.
Ended up being late for the airport this morning, but managed to get on the flight in the last minute.
Had to say goodbye to mum really reall y fast. She didn't cry. I actually thought she would. Haha.
Jesse honestly deserves som kind of medal for staying up all night with me. Best company ever.
Anyhow. The second I buckled up in the plane to Paris I realised there was something I had forgot to pack.
It wasn't just anything either. It was the most important fucking thing. The external hd for my laptop.
I had it filled with lots of epic movies, awesome music and beautiful pictures of friends and family.
But the most important of all, I had it filled with documents. Documents I really need over here.
Somehow it added a lot to my nervousness and I kinda got stressed out. Told myself it would all be okay
and that I shouldn't dwell on it since it's out of my hands completely at this moment.
It could only make me feel worse and it was the last thing I needed.
In Paris I managed to get hold of internet and there I wrote the longest blogpost ever on friendlypoker,
unluckily everything disappeared because I had only paid for 15minutes. So I bought 15 other minutes and
did a short /rage blog. Haha. Boarded my plane to Canton, seat was better than I expected it to be.
Had a windowseat - again - and was sitting next to this old chinese couple. They were really nice to me.
For some reason they changed their seats before departure though, I don't know what was wrong.
Think the seat was loose or something for the male and they changed.
So there I was, on a 11hour plane to Canton with 3 seats for myself. I slept most of the time.
Plane food was good. Chinese, ofcourse. Nomnom.
When I landed in Canton my first thought was "thank god it's 6 months left until I have to do that again".
I could instantly feel the changes. Air was different. Thicker, like in most warm countries.
It doesn't smell to differently though. Customs aren't really strict. Or well, I guess they are. They do their job.
But atleast they aren't rude while doing it. Not pointing any fingers but.......
Had some weird dreams while sleeping on the plane. The only one worth mentioning is the one where I dreamt
that I was in thailand with 3 of my friends: Jessica, Camilla and Josefine. In the dream we were at this
weird and dirty stripshow with a monkey in a suit hosting it. (wtf?). I saw my friend Joppe there aswell.
Was about to go say hi to him when my phone rang (in the dream). I took it out, checked the screen.
"Oliver Coleman" - For some reason I wouldn't answer his call because if I did, someone would die?
Not long after that, I woke up.
I remember feeling like crap after the flight. Remember that I really wanted to take a shower.
I remember feeling scared and nervous. I remember doubting myself. I kept thinking..
"I don't know what I'm doing here. Am I the right person for this? Do I really WANT to do this?"
and other shit like that. After thinking like that for a while and after it bringing me down like hell.
I decided to stop and just be positive instead. Whatever comes out of it comes. If it fails. If I fail.
I'll just travel around in China and experience the culture or whatever. It's not the end of the world.
I told myself that you only fail when you've given up, and since it hadn't even started yet it would be
ridiculous of me to give up especially when I'm already on the other side of the world. Like.. whatcha gonna do?
Just.. no.. giving up is not for me.
Hey guys.
I didn't sleep at all last night.
First because I thought it wasn't needed.
Second because I hadn't finished packing anyways.
Third because it was my last night having Jessnom to talk to.
Ended up being late for the airport this morning,
but managed to get on the flight in the last minute.
Had to say goodbye to mum really really fast. She didn't cry. I actually thought she would.

Jesse honestly deserves som kind of medal for staying up all night with me.
Best. company. ever.

Anyhow. The second I buckled up in the plane to Paris I realised there was something I
had forgot to pack. It wasn't just anything either. It was the most important fucking thing.
The external hd for my laptop. I had it filled with lots of epic movies, awesome music and
beautiful pictures of friends and family. Most important of all, it was filled with documents.
Documents I really need over here, such as CV's and whatever.

Somehow it added a lot to my nervousness and I kinda got stressed out.
Told myself it would all be okay and that I shouldn't dwell on it since it's completely
out of my hands at this moment. It could only make me feel worse and it was the
last thing I needed. In Paris I managed to get hold of internet and there I wrote the
longest blogpost ever on friendlypoker, unluckily everything disappeared because I had
only paid for 15minutes. So I bought 15 other minutes and did a short /rage blog. Haha.

Boarded my plane to Canton.
Seat was better than I expected it to be. Had a windowseat - again, yay - and was sitting
next to this old chinese couple. They were really nice to me. For some reason they changed
their seats before departure though, I don't know what was wrong.
Think the seat was loose or something for the male and they changed.
So there I was, on a plane to Canton that would take
me 11 hours, with 3 seats for myself. I slept most of the time.
P-Food was good. Chinese, ofcourse. Nomnom.
When I landed in Canton my first thought was "thank god it's 6 months left until
I have to do that again". I could instantly feel the changes. Air was different.
Thicker, like in most warm countries. It doesn't smell to differently though.
Customs aren't really strict. Or well, I guess they are.
They do their job. But atleast they aren't rude while doing it. Not pointing any fingers but..


Had some weird dreams while sleeping on the plane.
The only one worth mentioning is the one where I dreamt that I was in thailand with
3 of my friends: Jessica, Camilla and Josefine. In the dream we were at this weird
and dirty stripshow with a monkey in a suit hosting it. (wtf?).
I saw my friend Joppe there aswell.
Was about to go say hi to him when my phone rang (itd*).
I took it out, checked the screen. "Oliver Coleman" - For some reason I wouldn't
answer his call because if I did, someone would die? Not long after that, I woke up.
I remember feeling like crap after the flight.
Remember that I really wanted to take a shower.
I remember feeling scared and nervous. I remember doubting myself. I kept thinking..
"I don't know what I'm doing here. Am I the right person for this?
Do I really WANT to do this?" and other shit like that. After thinking like that for a while
and after it bringing me down like hell. I decided to stop and just be positive instead.
Whatever comes out of it comes out of it, haha.

If it fails... If I fail.
I'll just travel around in China and experience the culture or whatever.
It's not the end of the world.
I told myself and I've told other before that you only fail when you've given up,
and since it hadn't even started yet it would be ridiculous of me to give up especially when
I'm already on the other side of the world. Like.. whatcha gonna do?
Just.. no.. giving up is not for me.

(*in the dream)


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