February 7

Lazy day today. Today was our day off.
Didn't really do anything special. Oh wait. I'm lying..
we actually did something today that I as a westerner
would consider quiiiiteeee special/strange.
Spent all day watching the few dollhouse episodes I had on my computer.
Weather was totally SHIT. So we stayed in most of the day.
Wifi wasn't working, so killing time was really hard.
We were bored and decided we'd do something different.
So after dinner we all wen't to Lucy's place because
Lucy's place is the coziest place and we were gonna eat snake.
So we got there and we sat down and had to wait for a bit since
when you order snake they don't have any ready for you.
Which means they basically drive up to the mountains and catches
as many snakes you want and come back with them..alive.
So this is how it works.
Dude shows up with x snakes.
Our snakes were black and long and apparantly very dangerous.
I don't know though, someone said cobras, but I don't believe
that. Haha. Anyhow. The snake dude lets you take pictures of
the snake and then they have a bowl and a huge scissor.
They grab the snakes head and clip it off using the scissor.
(They do this infront of you.) Then they turn the snake
upside down, and pour it's blood into a glas.
Then they add a tiny bit of Ricewine in that.
and Serve in shotglasses. Enjoy drinking your snakeblood.
After a while they come out with dishes with snakemeat
and vegetables. Snake taste just like chicken.
I would honestly not know the difference if I wasn't told
it was snake. I honestly didn't tell the difference even
if I knew it was snake, haha. After that they bring you
snake soup. So it's snakesoup with snakebones and a little
bit of snakemeat in it. That soup was probably the best soup
I've had in ages. Tasted really really good.
I had my laptop with me to Lucy's because they have wifi there.
and I figured I'd might have some time to talk to Jesse.
I also just recently got a program called Puff the magic dragon.
It allows me to go around the great firewall of china completely.
It's really awesome, so now I can go on facebook, youtube, twitter
ipower, friendlypoker, ustream.. you name it! It's amazing.
So there I was, with my laptop thinking I should livestream us
eating snake. Because it's not so common to see. I didn't think
people would be interested, but figured I'd livestream anyway
since there were no others livestreaming that particular moment.
After we finished eating, Charlie and Hughie hijacked the laptop
and mooned to the people on ustream and friendlypoker.
I think XeleX recorded it and put it on youtube.
The videos are called "Maral shows 2 full moons in china".
There are 3 parts and it's not worth your time watching it.
Nothing really happens.
Just saying.
After snake John, Kajsa, Me, Patrick and Ossine went to
the internetcafe to play some counterstrike. What felt like
20 minutes of playing counterstrike turned out to be 2 hours.
It was getting really late (01.00) and we had school tomorrow
7.30 in the morning, but I have to say that snake doesn't really
still your hunger. So I told Ricky I wanted to go eat.
We decided we'd go to KFC because I've never had KFC
before in my whole life. (we don't have KFC in Sweden.)
But when we got there they didn't even have chicken wings.
So we decided to go to mcdonalds instead.
I ordered sooo much. I'm not even gonna say what I ordered.
Even Ricky raised his eyebrows at me, haha. But it's fine.
I know he doesn't mind about how I eat, so it's cool.
Then we decided to go home. We came home like 2 in the morning.
Sigh. Waking up the next day was not fun. I actually missed
breakfast and was late 5 minutes to class. (It's really bad
to be late to class here.) Haha. Ah well. Food was great,
so it was wortit!
Lazy day today. Today was our day off.
Didn't really do anything special. Oh wait. I'm lying..
we actually did something today that I as a westerner
would consider quiiiiteeee special/strange.

Spent all day watching the few dollhouse episodes I had on my computer.
Weather was totally SHIT. So we stayed in most of the day.
Wifi wasn't working, so killing time was really hard.

We were bored and decided we'd do something different.
So after dinner we all wen't to Lucy's place because
Lucy's place is the coziest place and we were gonna eat snake.
So we got there and we sat down and had to wait for a bit since
when you order snake they don't have any ready for you.
Which means they basically drive up to the mountains and catches
as many snakes you want and come back with them..alive.

So this is how it works.

Dude shows up with x snakes.
Our snakes were black and long and apparantly very dangerous.
I don't know though, someone said cobras, but I don't believe
that. Haha. Anyhow. The snake dude lets you take pictures of
the snake and then they have a bowl and a huge scissor.

They grab the snakes head and clip it off using the scissor.
(They do this infront of you.) Then they turn the snake
upside down, and pour it's blood into a glas.

Then they add a tiny bit of Ricewine in that.
and Serve in shotglasses. Enjoy drinking your snakeblood.

After a while they come out with dishes with snakemeat
and vegetables. Snake taste just like chicken.
I would honestly not know the difference if I wasn't told
it was snake. I honestly didn't tell the difference even
if I knew it was snake, haha. After that they bring you
snake soup. So it's snakesoup with snakebones and a little
bit of snakemeat in it. That soup was probably the best soup
I've had in ages. Tasted really really good.

I had my laptop with me to Lucy's because they have wifi there.
and I figured I'd might have some time to talk to Jesse.
I also just recently got a program called Puff the magic dragon.
It allows me to go around the great firewall of china completely.
It's really awesome, so now I can go on facebook, youtube, twitter
ipower, friendlypoker, ustream.. you name it! It's amazing.

So there I was, with my laptop thinking I should livestream us
eating snake. Because it's not so common to see. I didn't think
people would be interested, but figured I'd livestream anyway
since there were no others livestreaming that particular moment.


After we finished eating, Charlie and Hughie hijacked the laptop
and mooned to the people on ustream and friendlypoker.
I think XeleX recorded it and put it on youtube.
The videos are called "Maral shows 2 full moons in china".
There are 3 parts and it's not worth your time watching it.
Nothing really happens.
Just saying.

After snake John, Kajsa, Me, Patrik, Ricky and Ossine went to
the internetcafe to play some counterstrike. What felt like
20 minutes of playing counterstrike turned out to be 2 hours.
Was soooo much fun. I play on the same team as Ricky.
It was me and Ricky against Ossine, Patrick and John.
Kajsa didn't play. First me and Ricky owned it up soo good.
We had the lead for soo long too, then someone changed
to a bomber or something in the opposite team and we
went down like dead fishes in the sea. (or do they float? I dunno.)

It was getting really late (01.00) and we had school tomorrow
but I have to say that snake doesn't really still your hunger.
So I told Ricky I wanted to go eat and he came with me.

We decided we'd go to KFC because I've never had KFC
before in my whole life. (we don't have KFC in Sweden.)
But when we got there they didn't even have chicken wings.
So we decided to go to mcdonalds instead.
I ordered sooo much. I'm not even gonna say what I ordered.
Even Ricky raised his eyebrows at me, haha. But it's fine.
I know he doesn't mind about how I eat, so it's cool.
Then we decided to go home. We came home like 2 in the morning.
Sigh. Waking up the next day was not fun. I actually missed
breakfast and was late 5 minutes to class. (It's really bad
to be late to class here.) Haha. Ah well. Food was great,
so it was worth it!


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